GTPF at the USC

USC IC CAE Annual ColloquiumApril 8-10, 2021April 8th-11:30-1:30pm PDT Technology and Geopolitics Talksmoderated by Gregory Treverton and Steven FlemingOther programs:April 8th-9:30-11am PDT The Fight Against Russian Aggression withKeynote speaker Jack Devine moderated by Professor Robert English, Associate Professor of International Relations at USC. April 8th-11:30-1:30pm PDT Technology…

Agenda for the Biden Administration

By: Gregory F. Treverton and Pari Esfandiari It is clear that the new Administration will be swamped in its first months by the urgent– trying to control the raging pandemic, distributing vaccines equitably, dealing with…

Data: Governance and Geopolitics

By: Gregory Treverton & Pari Esfandiari Big data is often perceived as the black gold of the twenty-first century. Despite its fundamental differences with oil, it is indeed as critical, a fact tragically underscored by the lack…

Why data governance matters:

By Pari Esfandiari and Gregory F. Treverton Data governance may be a somewhat hackneyed phrase, but to the extent that data is governed, that governance is a byproduct in part of the governing of the internet. The World Summit on…

Europe’s digital sovereignty

From rulemaker to superpower in the age of US-China rivalry The year 2020 will be remembered as the year of the pandemic, but also as the year when our world restarted on a new course,…

Ads + Privacy + Blockchain + Crypto =…

Brave Software, founded by the inventor of the Javascript programming language, and NYIAX, an advertising marketplace built on Nasdaq technology, just announced it. Brands can now choose to show ads only to people who have specifically…

The Tech Cold War Could Cost $3.5 Trillion

A full-fledged tech cold war could cost the global information and communications technology sector around $3.5 trillion over the next five years due to loss of domestic Chinese demand, costs of shifting global supply chain…

The geopolitics of standards-setting

The grand-scale struggles of power between international superpowers might appear a far cry from the everyday business of a technology company. However, in reality, geopolitics has very tangible implications for corporates within the tech sector,…