Dr. Gabbard is Chair of the Global Security External Advisory Board for Sandia National Laboratories, Chairman of National Ignition Facility (NIF) Peer Review Panel (PRP) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Co-Chair, with Ambassador Robert Joseph, of a JINSA Task Force on Electromagnetic Threats to U.S. Critical Infrastructure. He also is President and CEO of NeuroGen Technologies, Inc. His activities have included membership or technical advisory roles supporting the Defense Science Board (DSB), the Defense Nuclear Agency’s Scientific Advisory Group on Effects, the President’s Foreign Intelligence Board (PFIB), the National Security Agency’s Scientific Advisory Board and various National Reconnaissance Office Advisory Panels.

Dr. Gabbard was originally trained in theoretical physics at MIT and has extensive experience in technical matters of national security, particularly those related to behavioral neuroscience, national intelligence, and nuclear weapon issues and arms control. Dr. Gabbard’s recent research interests have included behavioral neurosciences for national security applications and high energy density (HED) physics.

He was Vice President and Director of Areté Associates and President and CEO of Areté Entertainment, Inc. (AEI), an award-winning software firm specializing in high-end, computer graphics whose Oscar-nominated work was recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for contributions to theatrical release films such as Titanic, Perfect Storm, Pearl Harbor and Harry Potter.