5G, security risks, and a way forward

Gregory Treverton and Pari Esfandiari First published on The Hill 5G, the fifth-generation standard for broadband cellular networks, will soon appear on our phones if it hasn’t already. Its potential is stunning, faster speed and…


Zoom Recording - English Additional Resources Audio Recording: English, French, Spanish and Russian Transcript: English, French, Spanish and Russian Zoom Chat: EN Topic The European Commission plans to onboard 100 million people to a new…

5G: Geopolitics and Security

To watch the webinar please click here. 5G is a transformative technology, offering tremendous advances from predecessor mobile technologies, especially in speed and low latency optimizing existing services and enabling new innovations. Yet 5G's decentralized…

Digital Democracy

To watch the webinar please click here. The Global TechnoPolitics Forum in collaboration with the International Forum on Digital and Democracy and its partners __ Associazione Copernicani, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Re-Imagine Europa, and SoBigData++__ focused…

In Ucraina La Prima Guerra Informatica

By: Pari Esfandiari L’ invasione dell’Ucraina sembra una guerra di conquista vecchio stile. In realtà, ha mescolato elementi tradizionali e altri innovativi e, sebbene la dimensione cyber sia stata meno visibile, è presente a tutti…


By: Pari Esfandiari The Russian invasion of Ukraine, for the most part, seems an old-fashioned war of invasion and terror that demands boots on the ground. In reality, it has blended traditional and innovative elements,…


To view the entire readout please click here. Please note, the fragmentation presentation will start at the 00:13:09.

EURALO Roundtable-Splinternet

To view the Zoom discussion in English please click here. Recordings in other languages Description: Geopolitical tensions, cyber security concerns, and calls for the data sovereignty pointing out that the threat of internet fragmentation is…